Thursday, November 19, 2009

How Fat Is Too Fat?

Well, if anything I am embarrassed to be a South Carolinian today after I saw that a 900 pound man died after having to be cut from his recliner.


I just wonder who was cooking for this guy. I bet their chicken pot pie is THE SHIT!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sunday Night = New Family Guy

I am from Clemson.
I love fall.
Weird/Abnormal shit happens to me EVERY DAY latetly, like yesterday this old bitch in a Cadillac ran the red light going R-E-A-L-L-Y slow while beeping her horn. Then i was the second car in line of the green light, so it happened right in front of me. Once it was my turn to go, ANOTHER car of old people ran the red light right in front of me doing the same thing. WTF!
I'm not stupid, but I do have bad grades.
I live for Fridays!
I'm gonna play football next year, and be a STAR!